SQLConnectionControl PropertiesControl Documentation
The SQLConnectionControl type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnchor (Overrides OnlineControl Anchor.)
Public propertyAutoRefreshDatabaseListOnServerChanged
If property value is true, then the database list will be refresh automatically after server name changes.
Public propertyAutoRefreshInstancesOnSettingsChanged
Auto refresh the instances list, when one property changed from MySettings property category.
Public propertyAutoResfreshConnectionState
If property value is true, then the control auto refresh the connection state by specified intervals.
Public propertyAutoScroll (Overrides OnlineScrollableControl AutoScroll.)
Public propertyAutoScrollMargin
Public propertyAutoScrollMinSize
Public propertyAutoScrollOffset (Overrides OnlineControl AutoScrollOffset.)
Public propertyAutoSelectDatabaseName
Auto select the specified database name from database list after refresh.
Public propertyAutoSelectInstanceName
Auto select the specified instance from instances list after refresh.
Public propertyAutoSelectMethod
Gets or sets the auto select method of instance and database list.
Public propertyAutoSize (Overrides OnlineUserControl AutoSize.)
Public propertyAutoSizeMode
Public propertyBackColor (Overrides OnlineControl BackColor.)
Public propertyBackgroundImage (Overrides OnlineControl BackgroundImage.)
Public propertyBackgroundImageLayout (Overrides OnlineControl BackgroundImageLayout.)
Public propertyBrowseForDatabaseMethod
Gets or sets the database search method. From Stored procedure (sp_databases) or from query (SELECT Name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases)
Public propertyBrowseForInstancesMethod
Gets or sets the SQL instances search method. (Local only or Network)
Public propertyBrowseForLocalInstancesMethod
Gets or sets the search method for SQL server instances on local server. (From Object Or Registry)
Public propertyColorsConnected
Gets or sets the colors of 'connected' state.
Public propertyColorsDisconnected
Gets or sets the colors of 'disconnected' state.
Public propertyColorsIdle
Gets or sets the colors of 'idle' state.
Public propertyConnectingMessage
Gets or sets the 'Connecting...' message while the control trying to connect to the database. Use the {SEC} parameter to display remaining seconds.
Public propertyConnectionRefreshInterval
Gets or sets the auto refresh interval in milliseconds.
Public propertyConnectionState
Gets the current state of connection.
Public propertyConnectionString
Gets or sets the current connectionstring.
Public propertyConnectionTimeOut
Gets or sets the connection timeout of connection in seconds.
Public propertyDatabaseListErrorMsg
This error message will be shown in messagebox when database list loading fails.
Public propertyDatabaseName
Gets or sets the connection property: DatabaseName.
Public propertyFont (Overrides OnlineControl Font.)
Public propertyInstanceListErrorMsg
This error message will be shown in messagebox when isntance list loading fails.
Public propertyIsControlLoaded
Returns True, if the SQL connection control is loaded successfully.
Public propertyMessageConnected
Gets or sets the header message of 'connected' state.
Public propertyMessageDisconnected
Gets or sets the header message of 'disconnected' state.
Public propertyMessageIdle
Gets or sets the header message of 'idle' state.
Public propertyPassword
Gets or sets the connection property: Password.
Public propertyServerName
Gets or sets the connection property: ServerName.
Public propertyShowDatabaseListErrors
Show error message in messagebox when database list loading fails.
Public propertyShowInstanceListErrors
Show error message in messagebox when instance list loading fails.
Public propertyShowInstanceVersion
Show the SQL instance version after select instance from combobox. The version number appears under the instances combobox.
Public propertyShowOnlyNamedInstances
If the property is set to True, then the default instances will be ignored from instances list.
Public propertyShowRuntimeErrors
Show messagebox for runtime errors.
Public propertySortDatabaseList
Gets or sets the database list sorted option.
Public propertySortInstancesList
Gets or sets the instances list sorted option.
Public propertySqlAuthentication
Gets or sets the authentication type of connection. If property value is True, then the SQL server authentication will be used.
Public propertyTextOfAdvancedPropertiesButton
Gets or sets the text of "advanced properties" button.
Public propertyTextOfAllServers
Gets or sets the text of "all server" radio button.
Public propertyTextOfAuthentication
Gets or sets the text of "authentication" checkbox.
Public propertyTextOfAvailableInstances
Gets or sets the text of available instances label.
Public propertyTextOfCloseAdvancedPropertiesButton
Gets or sets the text of "close advanced properties" button.
Public propertyTextOfConnectButton
Gets or sets the text of "connecting" button.
Public propertyTextOfDatabaseList
Gets or sets the text of "database list" label.
Public propertyTextOfDisconnectButton
Gets or sets the text of "disconnecting" button.
Public propertyTextOfFrame
Gets or sets the text of control's frame.
Public propertyTextOfLocalServers
Gets or sets the text of "local" radio button.
Public propertyTextOfPassword
Gets or sets the text of "password" label.
Public propertyTextOfRefreshDatabasesButton
Gets or sets the text of "refresh databases" button.
Public propertyTextOfRefreshInstancesButton
Gets or sets the text of "refresh instances" button.
Public propertyTextOfUsername
Gets or sets the text of "username" label.
Public propertyToolTipTextOfAdvancedPropertiesButton
Gets or sets the tooltip text of "advanced properties" button.
Public propertyToolTipTextOfCloseAdvancedPropertiesButton
Gets or sets the tooltip text of "close advanced properties" button.
Public propertyToolTipTextOfConnectButton
Gets or sets the tooltip text of "connect" button.
Public propertyToolTipTextOfDisconnectButton
Gets or sets the tooltip text of "disconnect" button.
Public propertyToolTipTextOfRefreshDatabasesButton
Gets or sets the tooltip text of "refresh databases" button.
Public propertyToolTipTextOfRefreshInstancesButton
Gets or sets the tooltip text of "refresh instances" button.
Public propertyUseLocalhost
Use localhost string instead of machine name in instances combobox.
Public propertyUserName
Gets or sets the connection property: UserName.
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See Also