SQLConnectionControl BrowseForLocalInstancesMethod Property Control Documentation
Gets or sets the search method for SQL server instances on local server. (From Object Or Registry)

Namespace: ZsZ_Studio.Controls
Assembly: SQL.Connection.Control (in SQL.Connection.Control.dll) Version: 1.0.4947.20663 (

public SQLConnectionControl..::..InstanceSearchMethodOnLocal BrowseForLocalInstancesMethod { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: SQLConnectionControl InstanceSearchMethodOnLocal

In the first method (From Object) does not always return a consistent result, in this case use the another option (From Registry).
It is possible that Administrator privileges required to access Windows registry.
The 'search from registry' method is much faster!

(VB.NET) This sample shows how to set the property.
Dim scc As New ZsZ_Studio.Controls.SQLConnectionControl
scc.Location = New Point(10, 10)

scc.BrowseForLocalInstancesMethod = ZsZ_Studio.Controls.SQLConnectionControl.InstanceSearchMethodOnLocal.FromRegistry

See Also